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We Glorify God When We Acknowledge His Creation

If we understand that all the universe with all its great and marvelous complexities and fine details of mathematics, physics, chemistry, life, and humanity are God’s handiwork, and we thank and praise Him for His wonderful works, we bring glory to God. As a secondary, but important effect, the Holy Spirit will use that praise and thanksgiving to sanctify us. You probably thank God for food at meals. Have you ever thanked and praised God for air to breathe? That food tastes good, in addition to sustaining life? And so on.

But nearly all versions of Framework Hypotheses basically teach that God used time and chance and millions and billions of years of random events, to create the universe.12 Now please ask yourself: Is that an image of a skilled, intelligent workman? Does a skilled craftsman always just try things at random and see what might work? What a hideous, blasphemous insult to God!

Moreover, as will be seen below, God made a special point of emphasizing the fact that He created the universe in six twenty-four-hour days. If God thought it important, so should we. Disbelieving God is no way to glorify Him.

12Recall that we are using the description of the Framework Hypothesis in What’s Wrong with the Framework Hypothesis? by Dr. Robert V. McCabe and Tim Chaffey. It is difficult to conceive of a motive for “long-day creationism” or a Framework Hypothesis apart from seeking agreement with Darwinism or the Big-Bang.

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